Thursday, February 21, 2008

Los Bandoleros

High school will prove to be a damning experience at some point in a young person's four year sentence behind these cinder block walls. You have to deal with issues at home let alone unnecessary yap yap from drama heads at the school. And a person like me (quiet, laid back, and not in anyone's business) thinks the crap at school is avoidable until you come upon a group of people, or even one person for that matter, that cannot help but keep your name and the names of countless others on the tips of their tongues.
It frustrates me to know that I can go about my daily business, not be in anyone's face, and still get talked about behind my back. What makes it worst is that the same people running their mouths about what I do or how I do it are the same people who smile in my face when random jokes are being made.
You must understand that I have not heard them talk bad about me with my own ears (if so I would not be here typing this post), but I had heard so from others that I do consider to be trust-worthy resources. I had also heard the drama heads talk about peers close to me and those not so close to me, they even talk about each other-what?!! Who's ever heard of a mature person talking down about those who are in their own social circle?- It's childish, foolish, and unnecessary. I guess I can understand if what a person says or does directly influences you, but there is no point of even talking garbage about others when at the end of the day their business has absolutely NOTHING to do with your status in the world! All these fools do is stir up commotion that isn't relevant to anything, all it does is offend others, and causes extreme tension and confusion that ultimately gets us nowhere. For your own sake, drama heads, GET A LIFE!!!